
primitive press


Florence Cats & Joseph Charroy

LAVORI IN CORSO  means work in progress. The title refers to the experience of wandering through the streets of Rome, a city still under reconstruction, where the past is intertwined with the present. But the title also evokes a way of looking at artistic work, as a continuous and modest research where doubt always challenges our vision of reality. This book was born following an artist's residency in Rome in spring 2018. It is a composite, hybrid book, signed by two people. Without any text, the work draws its coherence only with images. The photographs echo the papers and drawings sketched on the spot, made on papers found in the street, picked up on the ground and bearing the inscriptions or marks of the movement of bodies in the city, footprints, writing, planes, wear, tears. The images intertwine to give shape to our experience of the present in the eternal city.

€35 → add to cart

200 pages
perfect binding
offset print on munken lynx 120 gr
500 copies
ISBN 978-2-9602590-0-1

Belgian platform for Photobooks